
Caz Hildebrand


Herbarium explores the histories, associations, and uses of 100 herbs, as well as providing ideas for how each herb can be used to improve both food and well-being.

Each entry features a specially commissioned illustration with texts that include the botanical name, place of origin, varieties, and areas where the herb is most commonly grown. The essence of each herb is explored in a brief history peppered with interesting anecdotes, complemented by suggestions of classic combinations and helpful tips for gardeners. A reference section includes advice on how to grow and keep herbs, herb-food pairings, and using herbs for health and beauty treatments.

An extremely stylish illustrated encyclopedia of herbs designed to enrich our understanding of all their uses, from cooking to medicine – an ideal gift and a must-have for your own kitchen.


  • Format
  • Pages
  • Size
    245 x 175mm
  • Publisher
    Thames & Hudson
  • ISBN
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