RSN Essential Stitch Guides: Blackwork

Large Format Edition

Becky Hogg


A new, larger format edition of the Royal School of Needlework's essential guide to blackwork.

Becky Hogg, shows how to develop many different patterns from the basic blackwork stitches, using detailed instructions and beautiful examples of traditional and contemporary embroideries. There is a fascinating look at the history of blackwork, a guide to the materials needed, and then a detailed look at the stitches used. These are then developed into a huge variety of beautiful patterns, and finally there is a guide to varying the look of these patterns through the use of different shading techniques.

There are inspiring embroideries throughout the book, both historical pieces and contemporary works by the author and other RSN apprentices.


  • Format
  • Pages
  • Size
    280 x 215mm
  • Publisher
    Search Press
  • ISBN
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